Sunday, 21 November 2010

To All Newcomers...

Welcome to my Blogspot, where I am temporarily hosting my images until my website is complete. All my pictures here are easily located using the labelling system on the right hand side of the screen, whether you're in the mood for some Children's gouache paintings or some Steampunk digital art.

I should also mention I have some pieces located at photobox avaliable to buy as prints, Just look under the Illustrations section:

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the Artwork!

Victorian Mice

To the Victorian Mice of Bristol! All started with a conversation about the very large buttons on a cardigan, and how for a mouse it could be used as a Penny Farthing. Such as things will do with the imagination, that got the ball rolling and so, for the Totterdown Art Trail, I created a little world of Victorian Mice...

Victorian Mice 2

Explorers High, looking down on Bristol!

Victorian Mice 3

Patch Work Stitch - Ianto Mouse

Victorian Mice 4

The Lonely Mouse of the Hippodrome

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Arfur and His Dragon Flaps

A Page from the Children's book I'm putting together featuring Arfur (No, not a spelling mistake) and his loyal fire-breathing companion Flaps. Don't worry, Flaps won't stay 'slain'...

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

I haz new texturez!

I downloaded a bunch of free paper textures recently and decided to give them a whirl. I must say, I'm rather taken with them and the effect they have on some of my pictures!


Kuzco the ninja hamster, so hairy he has to have monthly haircuts (you ever given a hamster a haircut before? It's...interesting, to say the least). Still playing with gouache, I couldn't help but paint my little friend (especially considering he watches me work at my desk a good percent of the time)

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Give Gouache a Chance!

Got new paints, love them! Am using them for the latest Brillustrators project, a series of pictures under the title of "I must confess..." Not bad for a Gou-newbie eh?

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

The Female series

A new series of images I've done in my spare time, I'm taking some of my favourite design prints to make the patterns on the ladies *ahem* underwear. Hopefully I'll be adding to this series every once in a while. 

Femme Fatale

A combo of hand and computer design. I personally would love a corset like this :D

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Celebrating my new scanner!

I've got a new scanner/printer/copier. Time to celebrate with some scanning and colouring!